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New Zealand government announces bill banning conversion therapy

In a win for LGBTQ+ rights, New Zealand has introduced a bill outlawing conversion therapy.

Under the new legislation, people who perform the harmful practice on a person younger than 18 can face up to five years in prison.

Conversion therapy refers to any attempt at changing a person’s sexuality or gender identity, and often involves techniques such as electroshock therapy or prayer.

The government introduced the legislation on Friday (30 July).

Justice Minister Kris Faafoi opened up about the importance of the bill in a statement to Reuters.

“Conversion practices have no place in modern New Zealand. They are based on the false belief that any person’s sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression is broken and in need of fixing,” Faafoi said.

“Health professionals, religious leaders and human rights advocates here and overseas have spoken out against these practices as harmful and having the potential to perpetuate prejudice, discrimination and abuse towards members of rainbow communities.”

Since the bill was announced, the Green Party New Zealand has praised the government and their step towards banning conversion therapy.

“Together, we did it! Our Rainbow whānau told the Government that conversion therapy is a crime, and needs to be treated as such, and the Government has listened,” they tweeted. 

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