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Why a Netflix comedy show has sparked trans fury

Transgender staff at Netflix walked out on 20 October in protest at the streaming giant’s decision to screen a show by a top U.S. comedian that has reignited a global row over trans rights.

The showdown between some employees and management, which is standing by its decision to air “The Closer”, a comedy special by Dave Chappelle, taps into a wider, often toxic debate between LGBTQ+ activists and some feminists over trans rights.

But how has the argument flared and what are its roots?


Chappelle is widely known for an edgy brand of comedy, pushing the boundaries of what society deems acceptable in pursuit of humor.

However, many trans activists – and employees of Netflix – feel the comedian has gone too far, accusing him of transphobia.

In the show, Chappelle addresses some past statements that many believed disparaged the trans community, as well as the suicide of a trans comedian, Daphne Dorman, with whom he once shared a stage.

Chappelle said he was on “team TERF”, an often derogatory reference to “transgender exclusionary radical feminists” or those who hold “gender critical” beliefs that sex is biological and immutable, and should not be conflated with gender identity.

“[TERFs] don’t hate transgender women but they look at trans women the way we Blacks might look at Blackface,” Chappelle said in the show.

“Gender is a fact, this is a fact. Every human being in this room, every human being on earth, had to pass through the legs of a woman to be on earth.”

Chappelle did not respond to a request for comment.


Trans employees expressed outrage at the decision by their employer to screen the show and organised the walk-out in protest: a campaign that quickly drew strong support internally and from prominent voices across the entertainment industry.

“We ask the public to join us in holding Netflix accountable for repairing some of the harm it has caused,” said an internal statement about the walkout from Trans Employee Resource Group, seen by the Thomson Reuters Foundation.

“We are reminded that the first Pride was a riot led by our amazing Trans Siblings of color and it is our responsibility to ensure that we continue their protest.”

Some Netflix staff are wary of going public about the show, highlighting the sensitivity within the company.

The post Why a Netflix comedy show has sparked trans fury appeared first on GAY TIMES.

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