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Demi Lovato says they are “understanding” of people misusing pronouns

Demi Lovato has shared what being non-binary means for them and how opening up about it publicly has bettered their life.

During an interview with Today’s Hoda Kotb, the Skyscraper singer discussed their search for extraterrestrial life on new show Unidentified with Demi Lovato.

Lovato said the show is a way of exploring things bigger than yourself and becoming more open to the idea of new possibilities.

Discussing their gender journey, the 29-year-old shared that they are finally living their “truth”.

“I came out as non-binary in May, and since then it’s just felt like my truth has been living my life as loudly as possible without a care in the world,” Lovato shared.

“‘Her’ is now a ‘they’. And the way I explain being non-binary to people, or gender nonconforming, is for me personally, i can’t speak to everyone in their experience.”

They said that a key part of their process was coming to the realisation that they are equally feminine and masculine.

Lovato added: “My masculine and feminine energy are equal, so much so that I may be wearing a dress and heels right now, but I don’t identify as just a woman or just a man, I identify as both.”

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