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Ghana: Anti-gay bill seeks prison terms for LGBTQ+ people

A bill in Ghana that would make it a crime to be gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender or to advocate for LGBTQ+ rights is expected to be presented before parliament on Monday for its first reading.

The Promotion of Proper Human Sexual Rights and Ghanaian Family Values Bill, 2021, has sparked outrage and fear in the West African nation’s LGBTQ+ community, with campaigners saying it could heighten widespread persecution and violence.

Here are some key details and background about the controversial proposal:

What is the current law regarding LGBTQ+ people in Ghana?

Under a 1960 British colonial-era law, “unnatural carnal knowledge” – widely interpreted as sexual intercourse between men – is punishable with up to three years in jail.

Ghana has not prosecuted anyone for gay sex in years, but LGBTQ+ people face frequent abuse and discrimination, including blackmail and attacks, human rights researchers say.

It is not a crime to be LGBTQ+ or to promote LGBTQ+ rights under current legislation.

Why was the bill introduced now?

The bill is sponsored by eight lawmakers from the opposition and ruling parties who came together following the opening of the country’s first LGBTQ+ community centre in January.

The opening of the centre sparked uproar from church organisations, politicians and anti-gay groups, and authorities shut it down three weeks later.

This has led to a crackdown by authorities – including the arrest of 21 LGBTQ+ activists in May – and an increase in homophobic abuse from the public in recent months, community members say.

The lawmakers, who are led by Samuel Nartey George from the National Democratic Congress party, say homosexuality is a perversion and LGBTQ+ activities threaten Ghanaian family values, and society in general.

What are the main provisions in the bill?

The draft law makes it a crime punishable by up to five years imprisonment to be gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, transsexual, pansexual and non-binary – someone who does not identify as male or female.

Advocating for the LGBTQ+ community, sympathising or offering any assistance such as financial or medical support to LGBTQ+ people or organisations would also be an offence punishable by up to 10 years in jail.

Media companies, online platforms and accounts that publish information deemed to support LGBTQ+ activities or encourage children to explore any gender or sex outside of the binary categories of male and female could also be prosecuted.

On the other hand, the draft law promotes so-called conversion therapy by allowing flexible sentencing for an LGBTQ+ person if they request “treatment”.

Other articles include outlawing “intentional cross-dressing” and “amorous relations” between people of the same sex in public, and making it a citizen’s duty to report any LGBT+ persons or activities to authorities.

It also proposes amending Ghana’s existing extradition law to allow for the deportation of LGBTQ+ Ghanaians living overseas.

The post Ghana: Anti-gay bill seeks prison terms for LGBTQ+ people appeared first on GAY TIMES.

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