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Zoom adds new feature allowing users to include their preferred pronouns

Zoom will now allow users to register and display their pronouns to make individuals feel included and able to express themselves.

On June 22, the popular video platform announced plans to included pronouns to its platform the help create a “stronger culture of connectivity” and an improved communications experience.

The company released a press statement explaining the decision to add pronouns to the video service.

“We are extra proud today to unveil Pronouns, a new feature in Zoom 5.7.0 to help our users feel more included, able to express themselves, and be seen. We’ve carefully listened to input from educators, social organizations, diversity leaders, and various Zoom customers to optimize the experience of sharing pronouns on our platform,” the statement read.

“Pronouns are an essential piece to many of our diverse users expressing themselves and respectfully referring to others. Some common examples of pronouns are he/him/his, she/her/hers, and they/them/theirs.

“While pronoun sharing can be particularly important to LGBTQ community members, we also recognize that it enables our users to better share about themselves and be more respectfully treated on our platform.

In introducing the Pronouns feature, we hope this will help everyone feel better able to express themselves and respectfully address others, which ultimately leads to a stronger culture of connectivity and an improved communications experience.”

Users will be able to add pronouns by editing their display name before a call, during a meeting, or from their profile settings.

Zoom has provided instruction on how to include or change pronouns here.

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